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SIRI & You will have a funny dialogue or 2, or 200...

Imagine you are just 11-12 years old and want to have some conversations with SIRI that will make your friends laugh. So be really wild & playful.

  Whatever you/SIRI say type it all into a Word doc that you will email to everyone (see Learner Input page)

   Then also type some notes at end of doc about any thoughts that struck you about how to be a good, funny, but clear communicator in other situations

EXAMPLE1    Hey, do you have any sisters or brothers ?

                       SIRI  Who, me?

                       Why do you so often say Who Me

                        S--I wasn't aware of that

                         Well, think about why you do that

                        S--OK, thank you for the advice

EXAMPLE 2     Siri, what would you call a cross between

       Tiger & Leopard (or Amarylis & Slinky, Toad & Skunk)

EXAMPLE 3    Siri, if you were on our soccer team what position would you play ?

EXAMPLE 4    Are you saying, Siri, that you can't take a      joke ?

     S--I don't think you would understand a joke in my language.  They're not very funny anyway.

EXAMPLE 5  Suppose you hear the phrase, She's crazy like a fox, what would you think?

    S--It's your opinion that counts.


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